In 2006, the when VMTC was purchased and turned into a for-profit school, the library was emptied and its contents sold on e-bay.  After the staff was fired, the savings really started to add up.  To offer students some kind of library, VMTC subscribes to the THE BALZAC TECHNO-PLANET LIBRARY.  Since we didn't pay for specialized resources, we encourage you to use those for the Ninja and Bounty Hunting College of East St. Louis.  They are semi relevant to course work and you are lucky to have access to any resources at all. 

ABOUT YOUR LIBRARY: THE BALZAC TECHNO-PLANET LIBRARY  is a complete, totally on the web library that gets your school accredited without you actually having to spend money on a library.  This is really cheap and your stupid students won't even know about how much you are saving.  


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